Dr Dog "The Psychedelic Swamp" 12" Vinyl

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It's no surprise that a band called Dr. Dog might tend toward loopy, loping outsider rock with a slightly goofy streak. If there were any doubt, it's quickly dispelled by The Psychedelic Swamp, a concept album that wanders and sprawls to absorbing effect. The songs on Dr. Dog's ninth record predate the band itself: They're sourced from a tape with formative songs written together by Scott McMicken and Toby Leaman before they'd adopted the Dr. Dog mantle. ("A half-baked idea back in 2001, it has been reborn in 2016, fully baked," the press release promises.)

1 Golden Hind
2 Dead Record Player
3 Swampadelic Pop
4 Bring My Baby Back
5 Holes In My Back
6 Fire On My Back
7 Swamp Descent
8 Engineer Says
9 In Love
10 Badvertise
11 Good Grief
12 Swamp Is On