Hostage Calm confronts the darker realities of modern America as a means of survival. In 2010, the critically acclaimed Connecticut band funneled their heroes’ protest energy into an optimistic hybrid of punk, pop and new wave, only to see rising hopes filtered out through the uncertainty of the Great Recession on 2012’s bruised Heartland rocker "Please Remain Calm." "Die On Stage" celebrates the subsequent post-millennial fatalism permeating today’s youth culture with timeless grandeur. It’s not a political statement so much as it's an honest portrait of growing up in America, embracing all that is fleeting while clutching what semblance of decaying dreams remain for a generation future endeavored.
1. When You Know
2. A Thousand Miles Away From Here
3. Love Against!
4. Someone Else
5. Fallen Angel
6. Your Head/Your Heart
7. Raised
8. 12/31
9. Darling You
10. Past Ideas Of The Future